Meet the Sheep

Shooting Star Sheep
F2 Registered Harlequin Ewe
Hazel (Juliet)
Hazel is a Black Spotted Harlequin Ewe. She is 75% Harlequin and 25% Babydoll. She is mother to Ingrid (right) and is the oldest, as well as the most shy out of the flock.
Dam: 330-F1 AWOOL FARM - OSA

Shooting Star Sheep
F1 Registered Harlequin Ram
Axel is a spotted Babydoll Harlequin Ram. He is 75% Babydoll and 25%Harlequin. He sired all of the 2023 lambs and he has a very docile temperament, especially for a ram. He loves people, and will do anything for food.
Sire: 20254 NC0090068-056
Dam: 1097 F1 OASIS CAMEL DAIRY, CA - Betty TR

Shooting Star Sheep
F1 Registered Harlequin Ewe
Ingrid is a solid Black Harlequin Ewe. She is 50% Harlequin and 50% Babydoll. Her mother is Hazel (left) and she is very quiet and curious (especially with buckets!).
Sire: 11175 0721 - Marshall
Dam: 1087-F2 RED EFT - Juliet TW

Shooting Star Sheep
F2 Registered Harlequin Ewe
Willow is a spotted Babydoll Harlequin Ewe. She is 50% Babydoll and 50% Harlequin. She was one of this first lambs born on our farm but is a bit more skittish that the others, a bit like her mother Hazel. She really enjoys playing and leaps around the pasture sometimes.
Sire: 1328-F1 OASIS CAMEL DAIRY, CA - Axel
Dam:1087-F2 RED EFT, PA - Juliet TW

Shooting Star Sheep
FinnDoll Ewe
Helia is 25% Finnsheep, 75% Babydoll Southdown born in March 2023 as a twin. She has a huge personality and loves humans, especially when the give treats and/or pets.
Sire: IN57161-070, IN - Teddy
Dam: LuLu, OR

Shooting Star Sheep
FinnDoll Ewe
Lagertha is 50% Finnsheep, 50% Babydoll Southdown born in March 2023 as a triplet. She has a great character; she likes to play and is super curious.
Sire: IN57161-070, IN - Teddy

Shooting Star Sheep
F2 Registered Harlequin Ram
Angus is a Spotted Harlequin Ram born in April 2023 from Texas. He will be Axel companion and we will be breeding him to Axel's ewe lambs. He loves to play, annoy and learn from Axel. He is also super curious and friendly.
Sire: 1297 C Rudy
Dam: 458-F1 Coco

Shooting Star Sheep
B Registered Harlequin Ewe
Pandora is a ewe lamb from Oaklahoma. She suffered from Barber's Poll worms and so was very small and weak but has gained weight and strength with extra TLC. She has made a fully recover with us, and now is one of the pushiest sheep for food, although she will probably always be petite.
Sire: 1011 Creole
Dam: 1168 Daisy

Shooting Star Sheep
Babydoll Southdown Wether
Chai is super friendly and loves being pet. He is a great companion to Pandora and he is hilarious because he loves to play, skip and hop with the yearlings. He has a great personality and nice wool.